Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My Favorite Jeans

So lately I have been trying to remove a lot of junk and other useless and/or needless items from my possession. It is a tedious and long process, because as you may know I have a lot of stuff, and trying to decide what I want to keep, what I need to keep, and what I really should let go, if only for my own sanity, it is also dang hard to let go of the things that seem so great at the time. Things like that favorite pair of jeans that I will always want to keep, or that great sweatshirt, that makes me so comfortable and I just can't bear to part with it, even though I have lots of newer sweatshirts and jeans that may be in better shape or look better, but I just don't want to give them up yet. I hate shopping for jeans. I know that if I would be willing to let them go it could make more space, and maybe I could find someting similar, just as comfortable, or maybe even more comfortable, but it is scary to give up what I know is comfortable cause what if I can't find something that fits the same. I have often found a pair that I thought would be comfortable, and they turn out to be too tight, or too short, or too long, or too loose. Sure it isn't like I wear the same jeans and sweatshirt all the time, but when ever they calls to me I am willing to put them back on and I remember just why I am so comfortable in them. They know where they need to give a little more room and when I need them to just stay how they are. I continue to try and mend them and make them as good as new, but it seems like when ever I get back to them, they need more repairs to their tattered seams. They should probably just be set free, but I come back to that old problem of liking them no matter how beat up and torn they are.


C.J. said...

Is there some sort of hidden female message in this post, or are we really talking about jeans and sweatshirts?

frogkisser said...

I know what you mean. My closet is full of stuff that I don't use anymore, but still can't bear to part with....:)

Domestic Goddess said...

Of course it is about jeans. Me? hidden messages? No never...;)

Jeje said...

It's so hard to give up what is comfortable, even if you know that they're worn out and possibly not attractive on anymore. I guess you have to examine whether you really want those jeans taking up valuable space in your closet. They could be worth it. It's hard to tell . . .

American Girl said...

I have been experiencing the same thing. This move is forcing me to clean out my closet (and under my bed, in my desk drawers, etc.) It is amazing how attached we can get to things.

Domestic Goddess said...

Jeje I still think that they look pretty good. And it is pretty hard to tell. sometimes i jsut don't fit so well in them.

Jeje said...

perhaps only time will tell. I'd hold onto them a little bit longer before giving them to DI

David Cho said...

Whispering to silent thunder::::
Hidden female messages are everywhere. Read between the lines, and if you don't understand them, just say "Good post" and walk away with your mouth shut. Take it from me. This sage advice will keep you alive. Trust me. I've had my share of near death experiences.

Goddess, good post.