Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dating Etiquette #1

If you are going to ask a girl out, HAVE A PLAN! I don't want to have to have a long conversation about what we should do. Have a plan before you call! Honestly, it would be a whole lot easier for both parties.


C.J. said...

Women - they complain they don't have dates, then they complain when they get 'em. How the heck can a man ever win??

Domestic Goddess said...

Oh silent don't even go there. why would you call a girl a say let's do something this weekend. Then say what do you want to do, what day do you want o do it, where should we go, etc... It would drive anyone crazy. If you are going to ask, at least put some effort into planning it. Is that such a horrible thing to ask? NO i think not!

Sarah said...

I agree. Even if the plan is just dinner somewhere. You don't have to have a marathon date the first time if you don't feel like it. Heck, it doesn't even have to be dinner. It could be lunch. This way you can talk to each other and see if another date would be to either of your likings. There is nothing worse than being stuck with a guy who starts driving you somewhere and then asks what you want to do. If you take the initiative to ask us out, have something in mind. How are we supposed to know that what we want to do is acceptable to the other party? What if all we really wanna do is finger paint? What if the guy hates painting? What if we wanna go hiking and the guy has a bumb ankle? What if all we really want to do is go watch like 5 movies and eat ice cream? I could go on....

Jeje said...

I think Venus and Cellular answered your question pretty well, Silent, you win by having a plan. It's simple really.
Even Elder Oaks agrees with us :-).

Sorry . . . you're definitely outnumbered here.

C.J. said...

No one is arguing about having a plan here. But anyway, I really do hope you have a good time on your date Venus - that is, if it is one you want to be on. Hopefully before that night you'll know the plan!

Domestic Goddess said...

It isn't the person that i want to ask me out if that is what you are thinking, but it isn't one that i don't want to be on. I am inderfferent to the whole situation. Really could care less one way or the other. mean probably but hey that is me.

David Cho said...

Come on, Thunder, stand your ground!

I'm gonna duck while Thunder is fighting for us the male race :-).