Monday, August 01, 2005

Have you ever

had one of those days when you know that everything is going to be ok, and even though nothing has been resolved anywhere, you are ok with it and know that you are just fine.? In fact so fine that you just start crying for no reason at all, sure most people would think that when you are crying there is obviously something wrong, but nope, all is well.


frogkisser said...

Do you want some Hot Tamales?

Unknown said...

whats up with all your secret blog stuff? ;)

American Girl said...

I know way too well.

Domestic Goddess said...

Spaz they aren't secrets. At least this one. It was just how iw as feeling when i wrote it and so that is what came out. the others are more analogies, not secrets.

fantastic funk said...

isn't it nice when you come to that realization, even if it only lasts for a moment! go ahead and cry for relief's's part of being, what did you say? an irrational woman? well, you know what i mean! love ya friend!