Monday, May 07, 2007

A period of mourning...

So after my 3 months of mourning i feel that i am now ready to enter back in to the the blogging world. I am so very sorry to all of those who have been missing the wisdom that spews forth from this page. Ha Ha. Now i am back so all of you can rest assured that there will continue to be a bunch of non-vital junk and rambling posted. Yay.


B said...

It is about time! Welcome back!! I know that was a hard loss with which to deal, but how do you think it made all of us feel to lose you?! :(

I am going to assume that you found a new monitor! Happy days!

Jeje said...

Hooray! I was about to give you up for dead. Welcome back. I look forward to more glimpses into your brain.
Much love!

Sarah said...


Jodi Jean said...

welcome back