Saturday, March 25, 2006

You Can't Always Get What You Want...

Why didn't I see it a year and a half ago? My timing sucks.


C.J. said...

Uh oh, Do I know what (who) you are talking about??

B said...

Hind sight is always 20/20....don't kick yourself too much for it, just let it be a reminder to keep your eyes extremely open all the time!

Kate said...

I hate that all I can say is that maybe you weren't supposed to see it. These things have a way of working themselves out. :) I'm here for ya DG!

Sarah said...

toilet paper and shrink wrap....

Domestic Goddess said...

Cell, that is a fabulous idea. name the day and I am there...

Jeje said...

Ummm . . . I can only think of one person you could be talking about. Yet, I can't imagine you would be talking about this person. Is there a story I need to hear?

MDJ said...

Judging from the title of the post, you must be talking about Mick Jagger, right? Or is it Keith Richards?