Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dean's List?

How is it possible that i have made the dean's list the last three semesters? It should pretty much just be impossible, and at any other college it would be, cause i am about the biggest slacker on the planet. You should not get A's in classes when you are making up your speech as you give it, honestly. I swear i am in a glorified high school, no actually i think that my high school may have bee harder than this is. yahoo for the dean's list, and yahoo for LDSBH.


C.J. said...

Congrats Venus! Just be grateful for the easy stuff now. If you go the accounting route it could get fairly hard later on at a non-glorified high school university.

frogkisser said...

I know what you mean! I got an A in my Technical Writing class last semester without doing a presentation that was worth like 10 percent of my grade. How is that possible? Don't ask me!

Domestic Goddess said...

I love the slacker colleges! Yahoo for easy education.

frogkisser said...

I didn't think that the U was a slacker college. Maybe this semester will be harder.....

Domestic Goddess said...

Member how i don't go to the U right now?